During this season of CoVID19, Grace Baptist Church has continued to provide opportunities for worship, prayer, connection, and discipleship. Grace knows that, despite the fact that we haven’t been able to gather in person, our church never closed; we have continued to be a vibrant community of faith.

Through July, we gather at noon on Sundays for a time of worship, including Scripture, a children’s story, and a short reflection. This Noonday worship anchors our week together. You can find Sunday Noonday at 12 pm (CDT) here.

We also gather for prayer on Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m., and Bible study or discussion at 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings. These meetings are on Zoom. You can get more information about how to join these meetings by liking and following the Grace Baptist Church Facebook page, or emailing Pastor Liz at pastor@gracebaptistchicago.com.

We are currently planning to resume in-person gatherings in the months ahead, while continuing a robust online presence. Our Facebook page provides the most up-to-date information about our reopening plan.