CoVID19 update: Grace Baptist Church has returned to in person services.

Grace is a Christ-centered community calling all people, as partners, to practice the transforming Good News of God’s Grace.


We’re committed to teaching about Christ’s life and to equipping people to work out their relationship to the Risen Christ. We don’t teach or expect doctrinal conformity about Christ or about other aspects of traditional Christian doctrine.


We are committed to being actively and joyfully involved in one another’s lives, and to share with one another in the blessings and struggles of the life of faith. Prayer for and with each other is at the center of our community life.

Calling All People as Partners

All people are equally loved and equally called to discipleship. Though we have many different gifts and callings, our worship, fellowship and mission activities model that all of us are in some way partners in the task.

We believe that all have been invited to follow the Way of Jesus. We are committed to fully welcoming all people who cross our path on this journey. We provide a place of welcome in particular for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer Christians and straight allies who desire this diversity in their church family.

To Practice the Transforming Good News of God’s Grace

We teach about God’s welcome and unconditional love made known in Jesus Christ, and that this Good News can truly TRANSFORM us from fearful and broken people into generous and loving people. We PRACTICE this Good News by striving above all to be welcoming and loving to one another, sharpening each other as we study and play and worship together. We rest in the mysterious power of God’s love and the certainty that God’s understanding and acceptance can never be earned or boxed-in, only accepted as a free gift.

There is space for you here!